To bookmark this site in your browser is very easy. Read these instructions, then go back to the main index page and carry them out.
- Please click on Bookmarks at the top of the Netscape screen.
- Please click on Add Bookmark at the top of the list.
- A bookmark will appear in your list for
- To return here quickly in future you simply have to click on this bookmark in the list.
- Please click on Favorites at the top of the Internet Explorer screen.
- Please click on Add To Favorites at the top of the list.
- If you now click on OK then a bookmark will appear in your list for
- To return here quickly in future you simply have to click on this bookmark in the list.
Web TV.
- 1. When you are at's Home Page, on your wireless keyboard,
push the white key marked SAVE.
- 2. A prompt will come up to ask which folder you want the
site saved in.
- 3. Select the folder (You can only save up 20-30
bookmarks in each folder depending upon your capacity).
- 4. After you select the folder. You should see a prompt like "saving to
- 5. Then when you want to return to, just go to the file
folder that you saved the site in and enjoy.