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Exploring Kinks and Fetishes through Sexting
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Sexting is an incredibly fun and intimate way to express yourself to your partner. It can be a great way to explore your sexuality, explore each other’s fantasies, and get more comfortable with talking about sex. But did you know that sexting can also be a great way to explore kinks and fetishes? If you’re curious about exploring kinks and fetishes but don’t know where to start, sexting is the perfect place! Keep reading for our guide on how to do just that.

Does sexting stand as a great fetish medium?

  1. Understanding kinks & fetishes

  2. Exploring kinks through sexting

  3. Ensure safety first while doing sext chat

  4. Sexting is a great medium to explore kinks

Understanding kinks & fetishes

Before you dive into exploring kinks & fetishes through sexting, it’s important to have an understanding of what exactly a kink or fetish is. A kink is any sexual practice or behavior that is outside of the “norm” or mainstream practices of sex. A fetish refers specifically to an object or body part that arouses someone sexually in a non-traditional way (think feet!). It’s important for both partners to come into this exploration with a curiosity and openness. Not judgment or shame. However if your interest is in kinky action right now then try sex chat for adults at arousr.com. It has a fair collection of chat models who are experts in bondage and femdom.

Exploring kinks through sexting

Sexting can be a great way to explore different fantasies without having to jump into anything physical right away. Start off by expressing some of the fantasies or activities like foot fetishism or other kinks that you are interested in trying out. Try using some visual language so your partner knows what you mean too! Once your partner has shared their interests with you, take time out of your regular conversations throughout the day to delve deeper into these topics together. Ask questions, provide feedback, and make sure both parties are comfortable at all times. If something doesn’t feel quite right don’t hesitate to let your partner know! You don’t need to jump into anything physical right away. Just exploring these topics together can be super hot!

Ensure safety first while doing sext chat

It should go without saying but it bears repeating- safety should always come first during any kind of exploration like this. Make sure there are clear boundaries set before beginning- what are things that one person isn't comfortable doing? What words are considered off limits? How will either party communicate when something isn't feeling good? Having these conversations ahead of time ensures everyone feels safe while still having fun! Also make sure both parties have access to resources they may need if they feel uncomfortable at any point during your conversation like therapy options, support groups etc.

Sexting is a great medium to explore kinks

Sexting can be a great place to start when it comes time for exploring kinks & fetishes with your partner. Just remember - safety always comes first! Take things slow and steady - there's no rush - and make sure both parties are comfortable before jumping into anything physical. Have fun getting creative in exploring what turns each other on!

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