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In Loving Memory

Born: September 22, 1952

Died: July 20, 2002


One day a long time ago the Creator of all things looked down on the earth and said "This world which I created needs a gift"  A kind and gentle soul, a heart so filled with love that all who meet him would be blessed for all time.   On that day Dreamweaver was born.  
Then one early morning in late July  his body weak and ravaged by the pain of cancer, sweet dreamweaver breathed his last breath and the Creator called him home again.  Though no longer a part of this world he remains a part of everyone's heart who he touched and his memory will live on.  
You are loved my dearest Dreamweaver and the gift of your love will live on in my heart for all time.  Sleep now my love and thank you for sharing a part of your life with me, and helping me to see the good inside myself and the beauty that we all possess.  Thank you for your love which you gave so freely.  May you now find that which you searched for for so long here.   I will not say goodbye because for that means forever and I know we will meet again on the other side.


Dreamweaver touched many lives including mine.  We hope that our words will impart to you just a little of the man we knew and loved as "dreamweaver".  Perhaps this way you will also receive a bit of the blessings that we all have for having known and loved him.

A Poem for Dreamweaver 
       by SkyyFyre{wf}

A butterfly whisks over the soft meadow.
 Just born today, such a short life.
 what is life, but a dream within a dream?


Although I did not know dreamweaver in person I believe I met him in spirit.  I was in need of help and I am convinced he led me to
MzDonna. I know there are coincidences and there are coincidences. Yet I know this was one of the coincidences where spirits from the other side helped out. I was being victimized by a dishonest person and dreamveaver led me to Her.   She has helped me out of my misery and dreamweaver was aware of the fact that You had the good heart and the brains to do so.   Thank You dreamweaver for still looking out for those of us who remain on this side .  Your compassion for others is never ending.